Loss of strength - Restore Hormone Clinic

Loss of strength is a common condition that can have many causes. It refers to a reduction in the ability to exert force with your muscles. This can make daily activities more challenging and increase your risk of injuries from falls. There are two main types of loss of strength:

What causes loss of strength? There are many potential causes, including:
Cause Description
Aging As we get older, there is natural loss of muscle mass and nerve function.
Injuries Trauma from falls, accidents, or overuse can damage muscles, tendons, ligaments.
Arthritis Inflammation of joints can limit mobility and use of muscles.
Heart disease Poor circulation reduces oxygen/nutrient supply to muscles.
Back problems Issues with discs, nerves can weaken muscles.
Other causes include diabetes, underuse, poor nutrition, and chronic diseases like cancer, kidney disease, and COPD. How is loss of strength diagnosed? A comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare provider at Restore Hormone Clinic may include: What are the consequences of loss of strength? Unfortunately, there are many negative effects, such as:
Consequence Description
Difficulty doing daily tasks Bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Problems walking or exercising Reduced mobility and increased risk of falls
Falls and injuries Weakness increases the likelihood of accidents
Joint pain Weak muscles can lead to joint instability and pain
Fatigue Reduced strength makes activities more tiring
Other consequences include depression, reduced self-esteem, and greater mortality risk. How can you prevent and treat loss of strength? The good news is there are many ways to manage and improve strength: Don't give up hope - many causes of weakness are treatable. Consult a doctor and Restore Hormone Clinic to evaluate your symptoms. With proper treatment, you can regain strength and mobility!

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