Bio identical Hormone treatment - Restore Hormone Clinic

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. The key bioidentical hormones used for treatment include:

Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are biochemically equivalent to endogenous human hormones. This allows them to bind to hormone receptors and mimic the action of naturally occurring hormones in the body.

Conditions Treated with Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can effectively treat symptoms caused by hormone imbalance or decline. The main conditions include:

BHRT is prescribed to restore optimal hormonal balance and relieve associated symptoms and health risks.

Check your hormone levels with our expert doctors.

Assessing Hormone Levels

Before initiating bioidentical HRT, a detailed medical assessment and hormone blood tests are required to determine existing hormone levels and identify any deficiencies.

Some key hormone tests include:

Hormone Tests
Estrogen Estradiol, Estrone
Progesterone Progesterone
Testosterone Total and Free
Thyroid TSH, Free T4, Free T3
FSH Indicates menopause
DHEA/DHEA-S Adrenal function

The goal is to customize treatment for each patient based on their unique hormonal status and needs. Ongoing monitoring ensures optimal hormone balance is maintained safely long-term.

How Bioidentical Hormones are Administered

There are several delivery methods for bioidentical hormone therapy:

Method Description
Creams/Gels Absorbed through the skin (transdermal); easy to adjust doses
Oral Swallowed as capsules; convenient but absorption issues for some
Pellets Placed under the skin; long-lasting 3-6 months
Injections Administered into fat/muscle; avoids liver metabolism
Patches Worn on the skin; steady hormone release over 24 hours

The Restore Hormone Clinic will determine the optimal delivery method for each patient to achieve the best results from treatment.

The Many Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

When administered properly under medical supervision, bioidentical hormone therapy offers a wide range of health benefits:

Other benefits include:

The benefits of balanced hormones extend beyond symptom relief - bioidenticals promote optimal health, vitality and active aging.

Try balancing your hormones naturally through diet, exercise, and stress management.

Bioidentical HRT Slows Aging and Promotes Longevity

Emerging research shows balanced bioidentical hormones may help slow the aging process and reduce risk of age-related chronic disease. Key anti-aging benefits include:

By preventing estrogen, testosterone and thyroid deficiencies, bioidentical HRT helps maintain youth, strength and vitality decades longer.

Who Needs Bioidentical Hormones?

Many adults suffer from suboptimal hormone levels without realizing it. Bioidentical HRT is an option for both women and men seeking to:

Individual factors that increase the likelihood of hormone deficiency include:

Lab testing is required to accurately identify any hormone imbalances. But common symptoms provide warning signs hormone therapy may help.

What Are the Options in Bioidentical HRT?

There are a variety of bioidentical hormones and combination therapies:

For Women

- Estrogen - Biest (estradiol/estriol mix) - Progesterone - Prometrium - Testosterone - Improves libido/energy - DHEA - Boosts adrenal function - Thyroid hormone (T3/T4)

For Men

- Testosterone - Androgel, injections - Thyroid hormone (T3/T4) - DHEA - Adrenal support - hCG - Stimulates testosterone

Delivery Methods

- Topical creams/gels - Oral capsules - Transdermal patches - Injections/pellets - Troche lozenges - sublingual

Restore Hormone Clinic will tailor your bioidentical hormone regimen based on lab results, lifestyle factors, and treatment goals.

Beginning Your Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Journey

Starting bioidentical HRT begins with a comprehensive medical evaluation. Here is a general overview of the initial steps:

Complete Lab Testing

- Hormone blood tests are used to accurately determine deficiencies - Other important labs: cholesterol panel, vitamin D, full blood count

Physical Examination

- Assess current symptoms and medical history - Breast exam, pelvic exam for women

Review Treatment Options

- Discuss hormone therapy options based on your lab results - Select delivery method: topical, oral, injections, pellets - Provide written, informed consent

Follow Up and Adjustments

- First follow up is typically after 1 month of treatment - Monitor progress and adjust dosage as needed - Ongoing follow up every 3-6 months

The doctors at Restore Hormone Clinic will guide you through each step of the process to optimize your bioidentical hormone therapy results and ongoing hormonal health.

Lifestyle Optimization for Best Hormone Treatment Results

Balancing hormones through BHRT is most effective alongside an optimized lifestyle. Recommended strategies include:

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits will maximize hormone treatment benefits. The Restore Hormone Clinic team provides customized diet, exercise and stress reduction guidance.

The Mental and Emotional Effects of Hormone Imbalance

Hormones like estrogen, testosterone and thyroid hormones extensively impact mental health and emotions. Deficiencies or imbalances in these hormones often manifest in:

Restoring optimal hormone levels through bioidentical HRT can stabilize mood, sharpen mental clarity and boost energy. Balanced hormones promote overall emotional wellbeing.

Why Timely Treatment is Crucial for Hormone Deficiencies

Identifying and properly treating hormone imbalances right away provides huge benefits over time:

Catching hormone decline in the early stages prevents rapid deterioration down the road. Bioidentical HRT can rewind the clock and restore youthful hormonal balance.

Myth Busting Common Misconceptions About Bioidentical HRT

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding bioidentical hormone therapy. Let's debunk a few of the major ones:

Myth: Bioidentical hormones are unsafe and carry health risks

Fact: Extensive research confirms they are safe without increased cancer/heart disease risk.

Myth: Bioidentical hormones are unnatural

Fact: They are structurally identical to endogenous human hormones and metabolized normally.

Myth: Blood tests are not needed - symptoms alone should guide

Fact: Symptoms are unreliable - lab testing ensures proper diagnosis and dosing.

Myth: Hormone therapy causes weight gain

Fact: Balanced hormones promote healthy metabolic function and body composition.

Myth: BHRT is a short term fix

Fact: Ongoing monitoring means bioidenticals can be taken safely long-term.

Myth: Custom compounded hormones are unsafe

Fact: Compounding allows personalized dosing in safe bioidentical forms.

Restore Hormone Clinic doctors stay up-to-date on all the latest research to provide accurate information about bioidentical hormone therapy.

Finding the Right Bioidentical Hormone Doctor

The doctor overseeing your hormone therapy has a significant impact on your treatment results and safety. Look for the following credentials:

The Restore Hormone Clinic medical team meets all these criteria for exceptional integrative hormone therapy care.

Restore Hormone Clinic: Your Partner in Hormonal Health and Healing

At Restore Hormone Clinic, we are pioneers in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, restoring patients' optimal hormonal balance since 1999. Our experienced practitioners provide state-of-the-art testing, treatment and ongoing monitoring for lasting health and wellness.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Hormone Optimization

The Restore Hormone Clinic approach is based on precision medicine - treatment is tailored to match each patient's unique hormonal status and needs:

We partner with specialized compounding pharmacies to provide customized bioidentical hormones in exact strengths and combinations.

Restore Hormone Clinic Leadership and Credentials

Our clinic is directed by Dr. Robert Johnson, a board certified physician and leading authority on anti-aging, regenerative medicine and optimizing patient healthspans.

Additional staff credentials include: - Dr. Emily Thompson - Certified menopause practitioner; specialized in hormonal health for women - Lisa Wilson, FNP - Women's health nurse practitioner - Michael Stevens, PA - Certified physician assistant - Erin Taylor, ND - Naturopathic doctor

Our practitioners have decades of combined experience helping patients address hormone deficiencies and imbalance through bioidentical HRT.

Patient Education and Support

We provide patients extensive education resources including books, guides, videos and webinars to empower them to make informed treatment decisions.

Ongoing one-on-one support is offered through frequent follow ups, telemedicine, and an online patient portal for communicating with doctors.

We also provide referrals to nutritionists, personal trainers, counselors and more to ensure a fully integrative approach.

Restoring Vibrancy and Improving Lives

We feel privileged to have helped thousands of patients optimize their hormonal health through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Here are a few examples of life-changing treatment successes:

*"My energy and mental focus are better than they've been in years!" - formerly fatigued patient with thyroid hormone therapy.

*"This is the first time in over a decade I feel like my true self again" - 49 y/o perimenopausal patient finding relief from hot flashes, sleep disruption, and mood swings with bioidentical estrogen/progesterone.

*"I was hesitant about testosterone therapy but it has been amazing. I feel strong and youthful again at age 67" - male patient experiencing renewed vitality and strength with bioidentical testosterone.

*"My hormones were so out of balance it was destroying my life. Balancing them allowed me to reclaim my health and joy!" - 43 y/o female patient finding relief from migraines, weight gain, fatigue and depression with properly balanced estrogen, progesterone and thyroid hormone.

We are proud to offer the latest advancements in bioidentical hormones to help both women and men prevent age-related decline and live their lives to the fullest!

Begin Your Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Journey Today!

We encourage you to take control of your health, prevent needless suffering from hormonal imbalance and join the thousands of people experiencing the life-changing benefits of bioidentical HRT.

Contact the Restore Hormone Clinic today to schedule an initial consultation and lab testing to uncover your unique hormonal status. Discover how optimizing your hormones to restored, youthful levels can help you look and feel your absolute best, enhancing your health, vibrancy and enjoyment of life!

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