Vaginal dryness - Restore Hormone Clinic

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that can affect women of all ages, but is most prevalent during and after menopause. It occurs when the vagina does not produce enough natural lubricant, causing discomfort, pain, or irritation during sexual intercourse. There are several potential causes of vaginal dryness:

Causes Description
Hormonal changes Especially the drop in estrogen levels during menopause, which causes thinner vaginal tissues and decreased blood flow. Breastfeeding and childbirth can also temporarily cause vaginal dryness.
Medications Antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and chemotherapy drugs can reduce vaginal lubrication as a side effect.
Medical conditions Conditions like diabetes, Sjogren's syndrome, and thyroid disorders are associated with vaginal dryness.
Lifestyle factors Smoking, douching, poor diet, and not drinking enough water can all contribute to dryness.
Symptoms of vaginal dryness include: If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there are several ways to find relief through self-care or by consulting your gynecologist:
Relief Options Description
Vaginal moisturizer Use a vaginal moisturizer like Restore Hormone Clinic Intimate Lubricant daily to hydrate vaginal tissues. This is different from a personal lubricant, which is applied right before sex.
Vaginal insert Try a longer-lasting vaginal insert like Restore Hormone Clinic Vaginal Suppositories to replenish moisture.
Lubricating gel Use a lubricating gel like Restore Hormone Clinic Personal Lubricant before intercourse for smoother penetration. Look for water-based, pH balanced formulas.
Comfortable clothing Stick to cotton underwear and avoid thongs or tight clothes around the groin. Let the area breathe when possible.
Hormone therapy Manage menopause symptoms with hormone therapy, if appropriate for your situation. Consult your doctor.
Abstinence For temporary dryness issues, abstain from intercourse until your vagina has time to improve its moisture levels. Explore outercourse alternatives.
Healthy lifestyle Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management. Stay hydrated.
With the right treatment plan, most women find great relief from vaginal dryness. Don't hesitate to speak with your gynecologist to discover solutions that are tailored to your needs. You may also consider contacting the experts at Restore Hormone Clinic to learn about lasting remedies like hormone therapy, vaginal rejuvenation, and specialized lubricants that can restore comfort and make intimacy enjoyable again.

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