Unexplained weight gain - Restore Hormone Clinic

Unexplained weight gain can be incredibly frustrating. You may be eating well and exercising regularly, yet the number on the scale keeps creeping up. What gives? There are several potential causes of unexplained weight gain that are worth investigating.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances are a common culprit. Conditions like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and adrenal fatigue can cause the body to hold onto weight. Getting your hormone levels tested can identify any imbalances. A physician specializing in hormone optimization like Dr. Johnson at Restore Hormone Clinic can help get to the root cause and develop an individualized treatment plan.

Condition Symptoms
Hypothyroidism Fatigue, weight gain, cold sensitivity, dry skin, hair loss
PCOS Irregular periods, acne, excess hair growth, weight gain
Adrenal Fatigue Fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, cravings for salty and sweet foods

Medications and Weight Gain

Medications can also impact weight. Some common medications that list weight gain as a side effect include:

Talk to your doctor about alternative options if you suspect your medication is contributing to weight gain.

Get tested for hormone imbalances causing weight gain.

Lifestyle Factors

Several lifestyle factors can contribute to unexplained weight gain:


Not getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night can disrupt appetite-regulating hormones. This causes increased hunger and cravings for calorie-dense foods. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine can help you get your zzz's. Limiting blue light exposure, journaling, meditating, and sipping chamomile tea are great options.


Chronic stress can also lead to weight gain, especially around the midsection. Stress causes the body to produce more cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite and promotes fat storage in the abdominal area. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, and massage can help manage stress. Consider adding an after-work walk or leisurely hobby into your routine for further stress relief.


Insufficient exercise can be another piece of the puzzle. Regular exercise helps build lean muscle mass which revs metabolism. It also manages stress and balances hormones. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, focusing on a mix of cardio and strength training. Enlist a friend, hire a trainer, or join a class to stay motivated.


Processed foods and beverages tend to be high in refined carbs, added sugar, and unhealthy fats - all contributors to weight gain. Trade out chips, cookies, and soda for fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and water. Meal prepping can help control portions of less healthy items.

Instead of... Choose...
Chips Fresh veggies with hummus
Cookies Fresh fruit
Soda Water or unsweetened tea
White bread Whole grain bread
Processed meats Lean proteins like chicken or fish

When to See a Doctor

If you are still experiencing unexplained weight gain after addressing these common causes, visit your doctor. They can check for underlying conditions like food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders that may be contributing factors. With some detective work, you can hopefully get to the bottom of the weight gain mystery.


Unexplained weight gain can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormone imbalances, medications, lifestyle habits, and underlying health conditions. By identifying the root cause and making appropriate changes, it is possible to stop and even reverse unwanted weight gain. The knowledgeable physicians at Restore Hormone Clinic can provide cutting-edge testing and treatment plans for optimized health, hormones, and metabolism. Don't give up on your health journey - with the right support and strategies, you can reach your goals.

Get tested for hormone imbalances causing weight gain.

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